Who I Am

I became interested in the craft in 7th grade while attending Catholic school. I needed to write a paper for history class.  I chose the Salem Witch trials. I researched and was fascinated by the topic of Witchcraft in general. I had already detached from the Catholic church and cast astrological charts and not long after got a deck of tarot cards. I have a BA and an MA and an Mpil. All these degrees are in English, Journalism and Linguistics. I had begun writing at about 7 years old and continued throughout  my life. After I got my masters degrees from Simmons College in Boston, a friend introduced me to the Earth Spirit Community in the mid 80s. Soon after 4 women and I created a Sisters Circle. This group would later dissolve as I formed a traditional coven, which is still going today. Moonfire. Our training began through a priest from the then group named Athanor. However our initiations began through an Alexandrian group which established itself in the Boston area in the 70s.MoonFire grew in knowledge and notoriety and soon I was organizing public rituals for causes. For example,  when the Aides epidemic struck hard, I coordinated the efforts of 6 covens of various traditions to do a mass public working. These rituals usually had music and dance and other arts involved and evolved to Arcadia Pagan Artists Network.(Arcadia PAN), which I founded and further developed until the early 90s. I married and had my son and we moved to Michigan where I became corporate, working for Whirlpool Corporation and IBM. The coven took a hiatus but by then had 3 hives in Massachusetts. When my first husband and High Priest passed after 14 years of marriage and in 2012, I met my current High Priest and now husband. MoonFire was resurrected in Michigan and currently boasts 1 more hive and about 14 current members. In 2016, we opened Artes and Craft, which was labelled best Witchcraft store in the Midwest by Jason Mankey. In 2017, we created Serpent Flame an OTO camp that meets in our store temple. We then performed about a average of 4 ceremonies a month at the store publicly for the greater community. We hosted a variety of workshops. At least we did this until the Covid Pandemic. I am also a member of the Parliament of the worlds Religions and we have started addressing interfaith activities. Since 1986, I have led a variety of classes and workshops, have been published in Woman of Power and Fireheart magazines and have written so many rituals I have lost count. This is who I am.

Pat Camarena Rose Barbary