POISON - NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION! We accept no liability for anyone who consumes this plant or gives it to others to consume.
Taxus canadensis, the Canada yew or Canadian yew, is a conifer native to central and eastern North America, thriving in swampy woods, ravines, riverbanks and on lake shores. Locally called simply as "yew", this species is also referred to as American yew or ground-hemlock.
Yew needles are associated with death, resurrection, and eternity due to the tree's symbolism and toxicity.
The Druids considered the yew sacred and planted it near their temples for death rituals. The tree's longevity and regeneration, as well as its toxicity, contributed to its association with death and resurrection.
Magickal uses - Necromany, Hecate workings, baneful magick.
Deities... HECATE - extremely sacred to Hecate as a psychopomp. Also Banbha, Dione, Artemis, Persephone, Hecate, Astarte, Odin. Yew embodies the crone aspect of the triple Goddess.
Yew is one of the Guardians of the Underworld that assist in guiding souls from one world to the next.